Yurii Chesniuk

Senior JavaScript Engineer (Vue)

General information

My name is Yurii and I am from Irpin, Ukraine. I am a skilled Front-end developer with over 7 years of experience in building web applications. My main focus is on Vue JS, but I have also experience (commercial and non-commercial) with React and Angular and I am passionate about creating clean and scalable web applications. My expertise spans various industries including fintech, information technology and services, eCommerce, gambling, gaming, food delivery, outsourcing, and consulting. I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions and working collaboratively with teams to meet project goals. I have experience working in multi-culturing teams where I gained good communication skills and other knowledge from engineers all over the world.


Senior Javascript Developer (Vue)


May 2023 - now

Project description:

Development and support of the platform in the printing field. There are a couple of applications for customers, managers, and manufacturers. Each of these applications has a lot of UI features that help to configure, approve and create the products that the customer wants to create

Responsibilities & achievements:
  • Developing and maintaining the applications
  • Working closely with the design team and building the custom UI components library based on the design tokens
  • Migration from the Vue 2 to Vue 3 + Typescript + Composition API
  • Working with BFF solution which is integrated with AWS Lambdas and other services
  • Working with complex product configuration solution
Project technology stack:
  • Vue 2/3
  • Composition API
  • TypeScript
  • Vuex
  • Pinia
  • VueRouter
  • Vite
  • Webpack
  • Vitest
  • Jest
  • Vue test utils
  • Cypress
  • AWS Lambda
  • Restify
  • NodeJS

Senior Javascript Developer (Vue)


Jan 2022 - May 2023

Project description:

Development of the investment platform for the private equity sector. There are a couple of applications for investors, managers and support teams, some of them were legacy (were built in 2021), and some of them were brand new applications.

Responsibilities & achievements:
  • Designing and building the application from the scratch
  • Working closely with the design team and building the custom UI components library based on the design system
  • Migration from the Vue 2 to Vue 3 + Typescript + Composition API
  • Working with Charts and Tables with a big amount of data
  • Working with Auth providers such as Firebase Auth and MSAL
  • Accessibility and UX improvements
Project technology stack:
  • Vue 2/3
  • Composition API
  • TypeScript
  • Vuex
  • Pinia
  • VueRouter
  • Vite
  • Webpack
  • Vitest
  • Jest
  • Vue test utils
  • Playwright
  • Firebase
  • NodeJS
  • Microsoft Dataverse

Middle Javascript Developer (Vue)


Dec 2020 - Dec 2021

Project description:

The client was the world's biggest food delivery company. I was part of the team focused on developing a self-service tool for restaurant partners to manage their businesses. The project scope spanned extending the existing functionality, maintenance, and migration from the old monolithic ASP.NET application and different separate apps written with AngularJS and React to a new microservices approach with Vue.js applications. Our efforts included implementing an API, a web service, frontend and backend parts, a database, a mobile application, a web application, and a test automation framework.

Responsibilities & achievements:
  • Maintaining the old monolithic application and other separated apps written with AngularJS and React
  • Building micro frontends architecture
  • Developing custom UI components library
  • Creating restaurant menu manager with the ability to add, edit, remove and operate with menu products
  • Creating a new approach to all accessible elements in the application
  • General UI and UX improvements
Project technology stack:
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Vue 2
  • React
  • .NET
  • Vuex
  • VueRouter
  • Single SPA
  • Webpack
  • Jest
  • Vue test utils
  • Cypress
  • Tailwind

Front-end Developer (Vue)

Polytech Software (ex Softheme)

Oct 2018 - Dec 2020

Project description:

The client was the company who provided free-to-play and pay-to-play games for the world's leading betting providers. The main product we were working on was a scalable platform that we customized for our clients. This platform was for free-to-play questions games that gave players access to a significant portion of their content without paying and didn't require paying to continue playing. Engineering efforts were geared toward developing a minimum viable and full-featured product from scratch, extending the existing functionality, and maintaining it. During this time, we implemented an API, web services, frontend and backend parts, a database, native mobile and web apps, SDK, and a test automation framework.

Responsibilities & achievements:
  • Development of frontend and backend parts of the software
  • Development of SPA
  • Updating legacy code latest technologies and code standards (packages updates, introducing ESLint & StyleLint
  • Refactoring of admin panel using new Vuetify framework
  • Integration of GraphQL
  • Integration of WebSockets based on Socket.IO provider
Project technology stack:
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Vue 2
  • Symphony
  • Laravel
  • Vuex
  • Vue Router
  • Webpack
  • Cypress

Front-end Developer

Mobios Studio

Jul 2017 - Oct 2018

Project description:

The services were intended for a digital agency providing responsive websites with individual design, IOS application development, Search Engine Optimization, and technical support. During this period, I was working on developing small and medium projects based on CMS and PHP Framework Laravel. Our team contributed to developing a minimum viable and full-featured product from scratch, extending the existing functionality and maintenance. Project scope presupposed the development of an API, frontend and backend parts, a database, a mobile website, and a web app.

Responsibilities & achievements:
  • Development frontend and backend parts of the software
  • Integration of eCommerce solution to WordPress site
  • Creating the admin panel for Laravel-based project
  • Creating the Vue plugins for Laravel-based projects
  • Creating the interactive constructor for tickets operator
  • Creating advanced animation
  • Pagespeed and SEO optimization for websites
Project technology stack:
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Vue 2
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Webpack
  • WordPress
  • OpenCart

HTML Coder

Startapp Digital Agency

Apr 2016 - Sep 2016

Project description:

The client was a web design studio that required the help of an experienced engineering team to understand the domain deeply, solve problems efficiently, and take end-to-end responsibility for the quality and performance of the website development.

Responsibilities & achievements:
  • Developing websites
Project technology stack:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • WordPress


  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • ES6+
  • Vue (2/3)
  • Composition API
  • Vuex
  • Pinia
  • Vue Router
  • Nuxt
  • Webpack
  • Vite
  • npm
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Jest
  • Vitest
  • Cypress
  • CI/CD
  • Microfrontends
  • Git

English: advanced


Odesa National Polytechnic University

Bachelor in Information Security field